My Blizzle

Just random thoughts from the daily life of a mother, homeschooler, wannabe writer and semi-crazy person... I figure some of these may spawn themselves into actual stories one day... Or, maybe, just give me an outlet for the constant rattling in my head.

My Photo
Location: Siskiyou County, California, United States

Mother, Wife, artist, procrastinator, semi-pessemist...

Friday, July 28, 2006


Well, I am not sure what it is about ideas coming into my head when I am about to fall asleep... but, last night, I had one of the worst night's sleep possible. I kept thinking of great ideas for my story, and would think "Okay, file that. Don't forget that."

The last time I got up and wrote them all down, I was so tired the next morning, I could have died. I stayed up until 5:30 a.m. writing. Too many ideas to stop the flow. Last night, I thought, "I will not have another night like that." Of course, I think that... and then all night long, all I could do was think...

So, I suppose, I should have just gotten up and written! I'm so tired, I might just take a nap! (And make this the shortest blog I've ever written!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

15 minutes of freewriting cured my writer's block!

So, I keep thinking about Mr. House's class and how great it was. I wish I could get that sort of inspiration again. So, I am going to be using this blog as a 15 minute mind dump, every day (I hope).. and hopefully, I can get some snippets of stories from them? Either that, or lube up the ol' mind to WANT to write.

I made the mistake of showing a book I am currently working on to some people. Now, I was feeling lost. Feeling like I wasn't sure what to do with it, exactly... But, the critiques were a little harsher than my humble ego can deal with! :)

Things like: You rush your scenes... then the person says the story is too slow. Tells me to write as if I am writing to a friend, and in the next breath says I need to be "less cerebral and more literary". Lots of contradictions, so I choose to only take the "describe your characters better" to heart. That is it.

Obviously, I cannot even begin to process a critique like this. I was told, basically, the story is shit, and that I only have 1 good paragraph out of 20 pages. Of course, I have 80 more pages sitting here... so I don't know. I have been working on it for 2 months. It is hard to write about, as it deals with death.

I asked my mom to look at it, and she has given me vague comments... Says I rush over the emotional parts. (I know I must do this, as it was too painful to relly dlve into writing this. It used to end in crying jags every single time... now, I am able to write daily... So, maybe I need to cry more?) My mom doesn't want to put her 2 cents in, she says. It's my book.

The touchy, insecure writer, this means, "My poor retarded daughter. How can I tell you that your writing sucks so badly, that I cannot even fathom a nice way to say it."

Yes, I am prone to dramatics. I know this.

I just need help, and I am buckling under pressure... But, I know I need to write this. It is going to be hard, and I need to accept this. I need to feel the emotions, so I can be happy, I guess. I don't know. I hate that I bottle up my emotions all the time.

Also, another thing that bugged me about the critique, was that the person said my reaction to the death of a family member was "trite". Well... I wrote how it went. I was shocked and went into this ... space... I didn't really feel anything. I wanted to be alone. I cried. I went to my mom's and hugged her & my dad... It is hard for me to say "I love you" but in that time in my life, I told everyone I loved them more than they probably wanted to hear.

It was hard, thinking someonewho is only 5 years older than I, was dead. I couldn't imagine not raising my kids.

I suppose I need to actually write how I felt. How much sorrow it caused me, rather than saying I cried. I try not to go there too often...and sometimes, when i do talk about it, my throat catches and it feels bruised and angry. I hate that feeling.

I just am not the type to fall on the floor and scream WHY WHY WHY... I just can't do that. I can silently weep... If I am by myself, I can sit in the bathroom and cry, silently... hurrying to wipe the tears before the kids can see.

I do cry a lot. I cry over being tired. Or frusteration. But, being hurt, or in pain... I suppose I need to hide it. Not really sure.

So, here I am, complaining about someone not liking my story. I suppose, I have figured out, i need to let myself go. My mom did say I needed to stop being so "politically correct" and let it all hang out... I suppose I oughtta do that. I am not actually planning on publishing this... I just want to do it and get it finished.

Maybe someday my children can read it, and understand why, when they were young, Mommy was a crazy woman. :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tissue Papaer Art

I bought some tissue paper last year, on a whim. I saw a Reading Rainbow about 9-11 that really touched me. The kids made this beautiful picture with tissue paper. Water, land, etc. I wish I could find the picture.
So, I had planned on doing this project with the kiddies. I've been surfing while they are cleaning their room, though more playing than cleaning is happening right now :)~

So, I am finding that this is a real art form... not just for pinata making & kiddie art. How beautiful is this??? (I got it from )

So, I am inspired. I cannot wait! I wish they'd get their rooms clean faster!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fat Homeschoolin Mama

So, I had decided that (after seeing my picture when walking to the waterfalls near our house... you know the kind... the bulging gut, enourmous legged, marshmellow butted look where your clothes are begging to rip... ) I needed to lose weight.

That, along with the fact that I have 3 pairs of nice cloth pants that would be oh so cool right now in my closet, that I can button.. but they look painted on. So, no, I will not be wearing them.

We went to Target, and I bought some snazzy orange pants to exercise in, along with a cool orange sports bra... We came home, and though I was tired, I was using these things to MAKE me want to exercise.

Well, I tried them on. They didn't fit. Mission accomplished. My fat girl exercise pants showed more cellulite than is obvious when my pants are OFF! I didn't need the neon glow to remind me how nasty i am!

So, I hurried and did some pilates, with Ella by my side.

Sooo, besides that... I am thinking about homeschooling supplies for next year. I am starting Ella on Oak Meadow Kindergarten already. She likes it well enough... and it is lax enough for me to include speech therapy stuff :)

I didn' t like Oak Meadow for 2nd grade. The books were boring.. and since the Main Lesson revolves around the books we read, UGH! All the stories were written very stale... Hannah rolled around in bed when I read them to her... I hated reading them.. she hated it... so we quit.. I feel bad as I wasted $300 on it. Sigh.

For 3rd grade, they have Charlotte's Web, Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz, Pippi Longstocking, Folk Tales, Winnie The Pooh... and my favorite, Little House on The Prairie!Hannah went through a Little House phase when she was 5... Now that she'll be 8, she can really appreciate it, and we can have so much fun!

Anyway, so, all we need to order would be more speech therapy games & maybe some more field guides.

Hannah got the Audubon Feild guide for California and hasn't put it down.

I just love how kids love to learn without you having to prompt them!