My Blizzle

Just random thoughts from the daily life of a mother, homeschooler, wannabe writer and semi-crazy person... I figure some of these may spawn themselves into actual stories one day... Or, maybe, just give me an outlet for the constant rattling in my head.

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Location: Siskiyou County, California, United States

Mother, Wife, artist, procrastinator, semi-pessemist...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fat Homeschoolin Mama

So, I had decided that (after seeing my picture when walking to the waterfalls near our house... you know the kind... the bulging gut, enourmous legged, marshmellow butted look where your clothes are begging to rip... ) I needed to lose weight.

That, along with the fact that I have 3 pairs of nice cloth pants that would be oh so cool right now in my closet, that I can button.. but they look painted on. So, no, I will not be wearing them.

We went to Target, and I bought some snazzy orange pants to exercise in, along with a cool orange sports bra... We came home, and though I was tired, I was using these things to MAKE me want to exercise.

Well, I tried them on. They didn't fit. Mission accomplished. My fat girl exercise pants showed more cellulite than is obvious when my pants are OFF! I didn't need the neon glow to remind me how nasty i am!

So, I hurried and did some pilates, with Ella by my side.

Sooo, besides that... I am thinking about homeschooling supplies for next year. I am starting Ella on Oak Meadow Kindergarten already. She likes it well enough... and it is lax enough for me to include speech therapy stuff :)

I didn' t like Oak Meadow for 2nd grade. The books were boring.. and since the Main Lesson revolves around the books we read, UGH! All the stories were written very stale... Hannah rolled around in bed when I read them to her... I hated reading them.. she hated it... so we quit.. I feel bad as I wasted $300 on it. Sigh.

For 3rd grade, they have Charlotte's Web, Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz, Pippi Longstocking, Folk Tales, Winnie The Pooh... and my favorite, Little House on The Prairie!Hannah went through a Little House phase when she was 5... Now that she'll be 8, she can really appreciate it, and we can have so much fun!

Anyway, so, all we need to order would be more speech therapy games & maybe some more field guides.

Hannah got the Audubon Feild guide for California and hasn't put it down.

I just love how kids love to learn without you having to prompt them!


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